Members + Associate Members

I find my AWAD membership really valuable, not to mention lots of fun!

Jessica Lloyd-Smith

Modern ArtBuyer, Bath Spa, England

Interested in joining AWAD?

>> Use the tabs below to browse this page for information on benefits, eligibility, how to join and more.
>> To proceed with a membership application, click HERE. Note: you will need two professional references, for example artists, clients or colleagues.

WHO is eligible?

  • Women Art Dealers who own (or co-own) their business, of which a major activity is art dealing.
  • Women Art Dealers includes female identifying: gallerists, art advisers & consultants, independent curators and primary/secondary market art dealers.
  • While the majority of Members run for-profit enterprises, the CEO/Executive Director or equivalent of not-for-profit and charitable enterprises is also eligible for to apply.

Please note that the Member (from an engagement and public-facing viewpoint) is the individual, not the business. 
People connect with people!

What are the benefits?

Becoming an AWAD Member provides

  • Access to, and support from, a professional network of vetted art dealers who own their business (like you).
  • Day-to-day support via member-only meetings (UK, New York/TriState and Global Chapters), online resources and an online forum.
  • Discounts and benefits from select AWAD Partners and conferences.
  • Credibility as a professional who has been accepted AND who operates to AWAD’s Code of Conduct.
  • Professional development in an ever-changing industry.
  • Visits to art collections and private tours of art fairs.
  • Visibility and promotion via and across social media channels.
  • Special events such as panel discussions with industry influencers.
  • Complimentary entry to select fairs.

What are the different levels of Membership?

There are two levels of membership: Member and Associate Member.

MemberTypically this individual has been at business-owning level for a minimum of three-years, full-time.

Associate Member: This is an earlier-stage art dealer whose business is registered, is already trading, has business cards and has online presence. (This Membership level is based on a founding principle of AWAD to support women art dealers at all stages of career.)

How much does it cost to join?


$22.50 per month

For each additional Director who joins from the same art dealing enterprise, the monthly subscription is priced at $15 USD per month.

There is a one-off joining fee of $25 USD per applicant

Ready to apply?

Follow 3 simple steps to apply to join AWAD.

1. Fill in your account information
2. Complete our online application form and pay the joining fee
3. Await approval from our team

I am amazed by what I have learned so far, the speakers have all been incredibly informative as well as practical. I am totally taken with the comraderie of the other members and their willingness to work together as well as share their experiences and information.