AWAD is pleased to welcome Amana Manori the Chief Executive Officer of Highness Global Inc. to AWAD’s Global Chapter. Here is her story.
What is the name of your business, where are you located and when did you start?
Highness Global Inc. HQ: Toronto but work globally. Inception: 2018
What is your professional background?
With a deep multi-disciplinary network, I founded Highness to leverage my skills and relationships to foster the growth of conceptual, emerging and/or impactful businesses. My strong entrepreneurial spirit, passion and intuition have proven to be valuable drivers to support, encourage and fuel the success of others.
I have over two decades of global capital markets experience with a specialization in alternative investments, private opportunities and sophisticated capital. I began my financial career in the Canadian hedge fund space. From here, I was recruited to become the Chief Legal Officer and Chief Compliance Officer of the Canadian arm of one of the largest global hedge fund providers – the Man Group, plc. I then moved to relationship brokering primarily in the private deal space.
I built Highness Global as an industry agnostic advisory firm and it organically grew into a global creative agency.
I obtained a Juris Doctor (J.D.) from the University of Victoria, Faculty of Law in British Columbia. She also holds a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) with distinction in Political Science and Philosophy from the University of Victoria. Amana is a member in good standing of the Law Society of Ontario (LSO).
What inspired you to take the leap and start your own business?
I had a general advisory business that organically evolved into a creative agency because I realized I could easily improve the livelihood of artists if I disrupted traditional artist/representation models. My business is 99% by referral which is a good indication that the artists have noticed the difference in our approach to the art world.
What does your business offer, in terms of goods and services?
We offer access to our artists and their portfolio of works. We are launching which is our merchandising site in May.
What excites you about having joined the Association of Women Art Dealers?
I am very excited about building global relationships with like minded professionals and exploring collaborations. Our business is premised on the collaborative prosperity model and we look forward to seeing how we can support other AWAD members.
What brings you joy in your work?
I enjoy seeing our artists work popping up in unexpected locations and mediums. I enjoy unearthing opportunities and expanding the universe of relationships.
If you were a work of art, what piece would you be and why?
For sure something surreal..bits and pieces of images in an unexpected composition.