by | Mar 12, 2021 | Blog post

In celebration of Women’s History Month, SEER Gallery is proud to launch SE(h)ER, an exhibition of contemporary art featuring 14 women-identifying artists. The group show is available on their website, in the virtual gallery space hosted by Kunstmatrix. Works are of varied techniques and styles including mixed media, paintings, drawings, photography, performance video, and augmented reality. The exhibition will run through April 30th, 2021.

SE(h)ER Exhibit Statement:

“You need to smile more”, “but speak with authority”, “wear a skirt, but not that high” – are directives aimed at the female body. Every day misogyny utilizes soft forms of bias, as evidenced in our language and daily interactions in a society of success and power.  In addition to language micro aggression, there are physical barriers created in a world that does not consider women. For example, a workplace temperature that leaves you shivering, or car safety standards that are built solely around an adult male body type.  Recently the most jarring of these barriers reared its head with the pandemic. All of the 140,000 jobs lost in the US in December, 2020 belonged to women (report in the National Women’s Law Center of the Bureau of Labor Statistics Jobs Report December, 2020.)  Women have disproportionately left the workplace due to COVID-19 to support their families with childcare and educational needs.   

Women are forced to navigate dangerous barriers and invisible gaps in order to be seen and heard.  Works in SE(h)ER reflect on these hurdles, or act as a repudiate of them, an unfiltered sampling of “her” art.”