For AWAD Members only - join colleagues near and far for a peer-to-peer conversation via Zoom. Open to all AWAD chapters. Time: 8am PDT /...
AWAD Roundtable – all chapters
For AWAD Members only - join colleagues near and far for a peer-to-peer conversation via Zoom. Open to all AWAD chapters. Time: 8am PDT /...
AWADiD – What’s New in Art Insurance
To start the New Year, we are running a three-part series on tackling the 'nuts and bolts' of business, starting with insurance, with...
AWADiD – What Really Saves Money on Art Shipping?
Sign-up for our online AWADinDiscussion with The British Shop - logistics professionals for the art, antiques and interior design market....
Seasonal IRL Roundtable + Lunch
An in-real life roundtable for AWAD members followed by a festive lunch hosted by AWAD Chapter co-chair, Ivy Brown of Ivy Brown Gallery....
AWAD Roundtable – all chapters
For AWAD Members only - join colleagues near and far for a peer-to-peer conversation via Zoom. Open to all AWAD chapters. Time: 8am PDT /...
AWAD Roundtable – all chapters
For AWAD Members only - join colleagues near and far for a peer-to-peer conversation via Zoom. Open to all AWAD chapters. Time: 8am PDT /...
AWAD Roundtable – all chapters
For AWAD Members only - join colleagues near and far for a peer-to-peer conversation via Zoom. Open to all AWAD chapters. Time: 8am PDT /...
AWAD 15th anniversary celebration
To celebrate the AWAD's 15th anniversary, we will be gathering for a facilitated conversation, networking and tour of the British Art...
AWAD Roundtable – all chapters
For AWAD Members only - join colleagues near and far for a peer-to-peer conversation. Open to all AWAD chapters. Time: 8am PDT / 11am EDT...
Introducing Incollect x AWAD Collaboration
Introducing Incollect x AWAD collaboration launch. John Smiroldo, Founder, President & CEO of Incollect, the magazine and online...
AWAD in Discussion – Market Trends and Opportunities for Asian Art
#AWADinDiscussion on Thursday 7 November (postponed from 22 October) - AWAD's Founder & CEO, Susan Mumford, will be joined by AWAD...
AWAD in Discussion – Understanding the Market for Fine Art Photography
Please join the Association of Women Art Dealers on September 17th for the second in our #AWADinDiscussion series on specialized Fine Art...
AWAD Visit to Independent Art Fair – New York
AWAD will visit the Independent Art Fair in New York on Friday Sept 6 - by invite only. The Independent 20th Century art fair premiered in...
MANA Contemporary Tour
Members' tour of MANA Contemporary, Jersey City - Invite only. The outing will consist of a guided tour, led by Kristin DeAngelis, MANA's...